Semi Double Flowers

Some clematis varieties cannot make up their minds if they are single, semi double or fully double. Here are a few of this sort.

  • Silvery mauve double flowers approximately 10cm in diameter produced on a moderate vine growing to 1.8-2.4mt in size. Flowers Spring to Autumn. Pruning group 2. deciduous and a climber.
  • The flower is velvety purple maturing to mid blue approximately 15-17cm in diameter. Flowers can be single, semi double or double at anytime during the flowering season. The plant is moderately vigourous and will grow approximately 1.5-2.0mt in size.
  • Double pale blue flowers approximately 10-17cm in diameter produced on a moderate vine growing to 2.5-3.0mt in size. Flowers spring to autumn. Pruning group 2. Deciduous and a climber.
  • Medium-sized semi-double flowers 10-14cm sometimes tinged with green on a tidy vine growing 2.0-2.5mt. Deciduous and a climber. Pruning group 2
  • Clematis Taiga is in the florida group of clematis. It is extremely popular in Europe with people attracted to spectacular bi-color flowers that feature curving sepals that make the flowers look like stars. Growths is moderate to 2.5mt high by 1mt wide. It is in pruning group 3 which means it flowers on new growth. Pruning should be done in early spring as the plant starts to grow.
  • Dark blue lantern-like flowers with long narrow blue inner petals are produced on a moderate, deciduous vine. Attractive seed heads follow. Flowers mainly in spring with some flowers at other times. Ht 3mt Pruning group 1.
  • Pale mauve pink with deeper bar flowers approximately 9-11cm in diameter produced on a moderate vine growing to 1.2-1.8mt in size. Flowers spring to autumn. Pruning group 2. deciduous and a climber. PBR
  • Rich blue mauve flowers approximately 10-15cm in diameter produced on a moderate vine growing to 1.8-2.4mt in size. Flowers spring to autumn. Pruning group 2. deciduous and a climber.
  • Large fluffy white 15-20cm semi-double flowers produced on a moderate vine to 2.5mt. Flowers spring to Autumn with flowers during summer sometimes single. Deciduous and a climber. Pruning group 2.
  • Ruffled white flowers approximately 15-20cm in diameter produced on a vigorous vine growing to 2.4-3mt in size. Flowers spring to autumn. Pruning group 2. deciduous and a climber.
  • Purple pink, sometimes double flowers approximately 12.5-15cm in diameter produced on a moderate vine growing to 2.5-3.0mt in size. Flowers spring to autumn. Pruning group 2. deciduous and a climber.
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